Sustainability Statement

Techfidence is a career coaching service, public speaking service provider and consultancy providing a range of career in tech  services to individuals, groups and organisations across the UK and around the world. We recognise that humankind is facing unprecedented challenges in respect to the environment, climate and biodiversity crisis.

We are committed to delivering our services with the environment and sustainability in mind. By taking actions that conserve resources, prevent pollution, and comply with relevant legislation as well as continually leading by example in adopting the best environmental practices.

Our commitment to sustainability is demonstrated by:

  • Proactively reducing the environmental impact of activities conducted by Techfidence, with an emphasis on the reduction of water use, carbon-based energy, and waste
  • Assessing the effectiveness of our environmental performance through periodic auditing of our system and objectives to continually improve
  • Communicating openly our policy and objectives to our employees, contractors, clients, suppliers and the public to enhance their awareness of our ongoing commitment to responsible management
  • Providing appropriate guidance, training and resources to our employees and contracted staff to fulfil our sustainability objectives and obligations

Sustainability Strategy

At Techfidence we are committed to growing a more sustainable, socially responsible business. Our sustainability strategy aims to protect natural resources, achieve sustainable consumption, tackle climate change, reduce energy use and build sustainable communities.

Printing and Paper

Some of the strategies we currently use are:

  • Using recycled paper wherever possible
  • Not printing emails, reports, forms and other documents unless absolutely necessary
  • Printing on both sides of paper
  • Re-using scrap paper for note taking
  • Security shredding used paper for recycling
  • Providing client resources electronically
  • Not handing out copies of presentations
  • Recycling printer cartridges
  • Turning equipment off when not in use

Transport and Travel

Transport and travel contribute to air pollution, climate change, traffic congestion and an overuse of precious resources. Our strategies to combat address these issues are:

  • Encouraging a walking and cycling culture
  • Using public transport for travel and only using private vehicles when necessary
  • Opting into carbon offsetting when air travel is required
  • Utilising online communication tools as an alternative to meeting face-to-face to reduce travel
  • Remote working to reduce the environmental impact of travel

Sustainable Communities

We aim to involve the community in career development awareness activities though proactive involvement in relevant community events.  This includes:

  • Providing pro-bono career coaching to a number of disadvantaged clients each year
  • Making career information and resources freely available via the Techfidence website’s Blog, LinkedIn Articles and our 
  • Donating a percentage of profits to local and global community development and charities each year.

Client Contact

Techfidence is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its activities by using the following client contact strategies:

  • Working remotely from home where possible
  • Using shared office space when it is not possible to work from home
  • Using web-based technologies to communicate with clients when appropriate
  • Combining client appointments on set days


  • Selecting equipment such as computers, printers etc. with high energy efficiency ratings, made as locally as possible
  • Using power saving mode on all equipment and switch off when not in use

Waste and Recycling

  • Ensuring all waste is recycled where appropriate, including green waste, through the use of specially marked bins
  • Disposing of electrical equipment and batteries responsibly through an accredited WEEE service


  • Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies
  • Use reusable cleaning cloths
  • Use 100% biodegradable and compostable rubbish bagsT

Techfidence is a brand name of Techfidence Ltd,
Registered Office Address: Techfidence Ltd, 85 Great Portland Street, London, W1W 7LT. Company Registration No. 11857464
Techfidence © 2022. All rights reserved